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Reading and spelling

In both primary and secondary phases, the core skill of reading will directly impact access to the curriculum and progress in every subject. It is your child’s key skill as they learn; proven to directly affect outcomes across the whole curriculum. Spelling is also crucial for recording and sharing learning, as well as expressing ideas fully and creatively. The earlier difficulties are identified and addressed, the better the impact of interventions.


I have a proven track record of success over many years, in many settings, including a child who made 3.5 years reading progress, working with me on-line during the first Covid lockdown.


Children should be assisted and encouraged from early years, to develop an ease with and enjoyment of writing. From development of an effective pencil grip, to having fun in mark making and handwriting development, it is crucial to develop muscle memory well.


Older children and teenagers can struggle with various aspects related to writing: legibility, speed, planning, ideas, transferring thoughts and knowledge onto paper, writing at length, writing for different audiences and purposes - transactional writing such as letters, speeches; creative writing, or analysis and responses to poetry and literature for GCSE. Sometimes learning to touch-type is appropriate and helpful. I can directly help with all these areas.

Focus, memory and processing

There is increasing awareness of conditions such as ADHD, ADD and ASC. We are all neuro-diverse but some children and young people need greater support in understanding themselves. They may need gentle conversations and interventions to help them make progress both academically and socially. This input often works well on-line, alongside academic support.


I have significant experience supporting and teaching students who need help developing techniques to help them focus, including “Zones of Regulation”. I am also experienced in advising teachers and teaching assistants on classroom strategies to address this. It is important to involve parents and families in these strategies because so many traits are experienced at home and in school. 

School attendance

There are now huge numbers of children and young people of school age not in education- nearly two million according to a 2022 study by the Centre for Social Justice. Being out of school during Covid, unidentified or unaddressed special educational needs and the pressures of testing and performance within school, can lead to high levels of anxiety and avoidance. Small steps back into learning are key.


I can offer your child regular 1:1 sessions focusing on key literacy and English skills, from early years to GCSE or A Level English. These might initially be best on-line but could gently move to face-to-face as appropriate, encouraging your child to gain confidence in teacher-student relationships again. I would be happy to communicate with their own school in terms of curriculum and preparation for exams.

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