Data Protection and Privacy Policy Statement
This Data Protection and Privacy Policy statement is to confirm your privacy rights and how the law protects you.
Kate Parker Literacy takes your privacy very seriously. This policy will provide information on when and why it is necessary to collect personal information, how it is used and the limited conditions under which it will be shared with others, as well as confirmation that it will be kept securely.
Types of data collected:
Contact details: telephone number, date of birth, email address and home address
Sensitive personal information: details about why an individual is requesting specialist lessons, details of learning difficulties or disabilities, relevant family history of difficulties, details of previous and other support given, assessment data and notes written related to support programmes and informal assessment sessions.
Examples of student’s work related to progress monitoring and target setting.
Dates of meetings held with student, parents/carers (the “client”) and other professionals/teachers related to the student. Start and end dates of teaching programmes.
Why this information is collected:
The information above is collected in order to plan and provide specialist sessions which are targeted to an individual student’s specific needs as requested by a client. It shall not be used for any other purpose.
How information is shared with others:
Information collected about a student will not be shared with any other person unless consent is given by the client. An example of when this might occur is if a client requests that a student’s targets are shared with their school, or information is requested for further outside agency assessment.
Length of time information is stored:
The GDPR states that data retention should be “adequate, relevant and not excessive”. When a client terminates a contract with Kate Parker Literacy, a record of the following information will be kept securely:
Student’s name, date of birth, start date of sessions, end date of sessions, number of sessions taught.
Main presenting issues and informal assessment findings
Interventions, teaching and support given.
These will be kept securely until the learner reaches 24 years old, which is the length of time in which legal action can be taken and is the current advice recommended by PATOSS.
Access to your personal information:
You are entitled to view, amend or delete the personal information held by Kate Parker Literacy. Email your request to
Privacy notice updated July 2023
Review date July 2024